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  • Automotive Work Lights collection poster featuring a male adding fluids to their vehicle under the hood while a FLEXIT Under Hood light lights up this night time scene

    Automotive Work Lights

  • camping scene featuring a male cooking over a fire next to his tent. Nighttime near a lake. He's illuminated by a FLi-PRO telescoping light by STKR Concepts

    Camp & Outdoor Lighting

  • task lighting poster featuring a FLEXIT Pocket Light magnetically attached to a breaker panel

    Magnetic Utility Lights

  • Jobsite & DIY collection poster featuring a TRi-Mobile lighting up an attic while someone installs insulation

    Jobsite & DIY

  • POV shot of someone holding a bunch of EDC items in their hand over their lap.

    Handheld Flashlights & EDC

  • Garage Lighting & Tech collection poster featuring a garage with a Jeep in it and a home gym in the corner all very well lit up by an MPI full room lighting system

    Garage Lighting & Tech

  • Overlanding Lights collection poster featuring an off-road overlanding rig lit up by a FLi-OVER-LANDER Telescoping Light night scene.

    Overlanding Lights

  • Brick and stone home. nighttime setting. gutter lights lighting up yard and driveway

    Home Security Lighting

  • Utility Jugs collection poster featuring an EZ Utility jug with hose bender sitting next to a Husqvarna chainsaw.

    Utility Jugs & Accessories

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  • Politique de garantie

    Les produits STKR sont justifiés contre les défauts du fabricant pendant 1 an, sauf indication contraire, de la date d'achat d'origine à l'acheteur d'origine. La garantie ne couvre pas l'usure normale ou les dommages causés par une mauvaise utilisation ou une négligence. La garantie ne couvre pas les batteries et les accessoires de charge (y compris les dommages causés par l'un ou l'autre).

    Pour toutes les questions ou l'aide de la garantie, veuillez appeler / envoyer un courriel à notre bureau à 704-508-1031 ou garantie@stkrconcepts.com